You don’t have to do this alone. No matter where you find yourself in this season make sure you have someone to walk with you.

I’m so glad that you are here. I know that acknowledging you need extra support can feel scary. If you’ve found this site, I imagine that you are ready to make a change. Whether you are wanting to address something that’s holding you back from years ago or needing help resolving current stressors, you’ve come to a safe space to do that work.
Individual Counseling in Texas
JJ does individual counseling in Keller, TX. She is a licensed LCSW in Texas and is able to see clients across the state. JJ specialized in individual counseling with women in life transitions. Remote therapy is a convenient way to receive mental health services from the comfort of your home. Schedule an introductory call today to find out more.
Trauma-Informed Training
JJ has spent more than a decade teaching a trauma-informed perspective to parents and organizations. Trauma effects many of our relationship and organizational health, and being trauma-informed allows people to better relate and work together. Take a step towards emotional health with trauma-informed training today.