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With Counseling | JJ Blandford, LCSW Corporate Training
Trauma-Informed Training for Corporations

Trauma-Informed Training for Corporations

The most important asset of any organization is people. Success in your business is dependent on the skills and abilities of those that make up your company. However, the people in your organization who have experienced trauma may not be functioning at full capacity because of these experiences. Leadership that lacks a trauma-informed perspective will not be fully capable of managing people with adverse experiences. Real life is not left at the door for people in your organization. JJ can bring trauma-informed training to your leadership and help them understand the basics of trauma and how best to lead those experiencing symptoms of trauma. She offers several different trainings ranging from hour-long presentations to full day intensives. Please contact us to learn more about JJ training your leadership and staff. Below is a sample of the trainings that JJ has available.

Addressing Staff Vicarious Trauma

One hidden source of trauma in people’s lives comes from their profession. Helping professionals such as doctors, nurses, social workers, and teachers are particularly prone to traumatic experiences at work. This training will equip your team to care for people in helping professions and reduce burn out among your employees.

Trauma-Informed Workplace Training

How healthy is your organization’s culture? Many leaders are equipped to run the numbers and delegate tasks, but how many have training on emotional health or creating healthy teams. When your culture is emotionally healthy the whole organization functions better. This training equips leaders to understand emotional health and create functional, emotionally healthy teams.

Brain Science Basics

Brain science is the foundation for understanding trauma and how it effects the lives of people in your organization. This training will teach the basics of brain chemistry, help you understand the brain-body connection, and define the basics of trauma. This class is a great stand-alone training and the foundation for going deeper in becoming a trauma-informed organization.